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(2010) Prosedur Penelitian Pendekatan Praktik Edisi Revisi VI.,Rineka Cipta", "title": "KEMAMPUAN INTERAKSI SOSIAL PADA PASIEN ISOLASI SOSIAL DI PUSKESMAS REJOSO NGANJUK", "affiliation": "STIKes Majapahit Mojokerto",

The average social interaction ability that can be observed by observation is that the patient looks alone inside or outside the room, the second patient looks down if the researcher communicates with the patient, the third patient looks aloof and gloomy looks sad, the fourth patient looks looked aloof and gloomy-looking sad, the four patients seemed to be silent and chose to answer as needed", Collecting data using a questionnaire.Processing data by editing, coding, scoring, and tabulation.The results showed that social interaction in the category of social interaction was good for 3 respondents (12%), in the moderate category for 20 (80%), and in the category for 2 respondents (8%). The population in this study were all social isolation patients at Rejoso Public Health Center with a total sample of 25 respondents using purposive sampling. The aim of this study was to look at the interactions among patients with social isolation problems.This type of research is descriptive. Isolation of social problems is mental nursing where the client is in a state of solitude that serves by individuals and is perceived as a negative and life-threatening condition. "description": "Patients isolate serious social problems against interaction interactions with other people. "key": "4.9 ISI HOSPITAL VOL 12 No 2 Endang Yus fix 87-95.pdf", KEMAMPUAN INTERAKSI SOSIAL PADA PASIEN ISOLASI SOSIAL DI PUSKESMAS REJOSO NGANJUK